dok.incubator workshop
DOK.Incubatordok.incubator is an eight-month long workshop for 8 international and 8 low audiovisual capacity countries‘ creative teams (director, editor, producer) with ambitions to enter the international market with their films.
Experienced editors, producers, sales agents, PR and marketing experts provide individual guidance through the post-production period of participating documentary projects. The tutors lead our participants to conclude the strongest possible dramaturgy of their final cut and to reach a wide international audience by building a clever distribution strategy using new digital technologies and smart online marketing tools. Sharpening the editing, emphasising the films‘ international potential, establishing cross-border collaborations and introducing new distributional opportunities online, the workshop supports high-end documentaries to reach global audience and establish the filmmakers on the international scene.
Workshop Structure
Screenings and dramaturgical analysis of the participation projects, intensive editing sessions focused on the international potential of rough cuts. Teams work on positioning their film on the market - develop unique selling points, define keywords, target the audience and prepare first drafts of films' marketing strategies;
First test screenings in the presence of global industry decision-makers, who give feedback on the narrative structure, release strategy, and the sale potential of the films. The participants design a detailed distribution plan and finalize marketing outcomes;
An exclusive presentation of the films in the frame of an exclusive event held for the first time online, followed by individual meetings with key European and US broadcasters, sales, festival selectors, and distributors. Discussing the future steps of the projects, their sales and festival possibilities, and concrete offers.
Parallel to the international program dok.incubator involving 37 film professionals we have organized similar regional workshops for 18 Czech And 14 Slovak filmmakers with the aim to spread know-how to less advanced professionals mainly from the low production capacity countries.
We also organized seminars for 45 film school students from 4 countries and 16 professionals at open sessions.
Company data
dok.incubator is a think-tank founded in 2012 by experienced training providers to help documentary filmmaking survive the current media crisis. We strongly believe only the productions with high quality development, which can take advantage of new opportunities and master new market strategies will strive to succeed. The NGO is based in Prague and is aiming to strengthen the creative documentary industry with events and workshops bringing new impulses and top-class know-how including the use of the new media and internet platforms to the international community of filmmakers.