Ex Oriente Training Programme
Ex Oriente Film & Series Workshop

Ex Oriente Film is a professional-based, international training programme organized by the Institute of Documentary Film in partnership with international festivals, markets and industry platforms. The workshop is focused on supporting the development and funding of creative documentary (Ex Oriente Film) and factual creative documentary series projects (Ex Oriente Series).
Apply to the Ex Oriente Film 2024 and receive tailor-made training for the development of your feature-length documentary project or documentary series project with support and mentoring from over 30 renowned filmmakers and international industry. For the second time, the workshop will also offer a special training program designed for development of factual documentary series projects.
The call is open to creative feature-length documentary projects and creative documentary series projects in development and early production stage, which challenge genres, formats, and media boundaries. The workshop includes 12 documentary feature-length projects and 5 documentary series projects represented by director-producer or creator-producer teams who will attend 3 residential sessions and additional online sessions.
The workshop is designed for creators coming from Europe with a special focus on Central and Eastern European projects (incl. selected EU acceding and candidate countries) or for creative documentary projects dealing with stories from Central and Eastern Europe.
Workshop participants will receive assistance from leading European experts, obtain key international contacts, and become a part of a network of over 540 European professionals that have attended the Ex Oriente Film workshop in the past 20 years and will have the opportunity to partake in the Ex Oriente Film Follow-Up Programme, a year-long chain of continuous support and mentoring activities.

Company data
The Institute of Documentary Film (IDF) has been supporting creative documentary films from Central and Eastern Europe since 2001. The IDF provides both emerging and experienced filmmakers with training, financing, networking and pitching opportunities, helps them get international attention and co-productions, rewards the exceptional projects with Awards and further opportunities and improves their orientation on the international market.
The promotional and practical service of the IDF includes a wide range of online and offline catalogues being created annually, updating a thorough database of CEE documentaries and professionals and a calendar of important deadlines for producers, and bringing news from the world of documentary film in general via dokweb.net and social media. To the audience of documentary enthusiasts, the IDF also brings a rich program of lectures, presentations and screenings in their home regions or during the IDF’s industry events.